Sunday, October 14, 2012

365 | Day 4... Rainy Day Post-it Frenzy

Colton spent Casey and Mackenzie's naptime with a pile of Post-its and a marker.  I spent it with my Kindle, lazily wondering what he was up to, but too absorbed to check it out.  (It's Sunday.  I get like that.)

He got a lot done.
I forgot to ask him about the second line of this one.  It'll probably seem obvious once he tells me, but I can't figure it out.  ('read it and you'll see', maybe?)

"Countdown to Trick-or-Treat." (For some reason, the spelling is impeccable on that one.)  "Cisin."  (with a very helpful map to said kitchen), and  "Lit swis is for..." (the light switch for the above wall sconce, not pictured.)

Wood Stove

The front door, leading to "aotsid."  But it's only outside "sumtims"...?


"dont cumin."  That's where Mama keeps her wine glasses.  However, he said the next note means 'decorations house', and that it's for 'anyone'.  I find this contradictory.

Dining Room


iPad.  Don't touch.  Unless you want to stick a Post-It to it.  Then go for it.



The door to Colton and Casey's room.  He chose Halloween decor for their label.

The linen 'kulosit'

Mom and Dad's Room

Kitchen, that way!  But again... only somtims? 

That Boy is so cool.

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