Friday, December 21, 2012

When Picking Battles, Camouflage vs. Plaid Does Not Qualify

Colton's school made a fun week for the kids since it was the last week before holiday break.  Wednesday was winter hat day, Thursday was pajama day, and Friday (today) was fancy dress day.  I let Colton choose the hat and pajamas he wanted to wear, but I had a 'formal wear' outfit laid out for him this morning.  Only.... when he came out of his bedroom, he looked like this:

... which is not exactly (or even remotely close to) the outfit I picked out. He was dead set on wearing it, though, and thought he looked AWESOME. I'd have to be a huge jackass to argue with that.

And, well, the fact is... he kinda does pull it off! He's like a hot mess of awesomeness.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weird S#!t That Casey Says: Volume 24, Chapter 9.

Tonight, I was cutting up bits of chicken for Mackenzie's dinner tray when she wandered in to see what I was doing.  I wasn't particularly worried about her proximity, as she's only about 2 feet off the ground and I'm, like....a grown-up.  But Casey came running into the kitchen, blocked her path with his workbench hammer, and said, "MOM!  You have to be careful!  You're going to cut her head off!  And then she won't have any head, and there will be no CHRISTMAS!!  But.... if you're berrrrry berry careful, and you don't cut her, then.... WE CAN STILL.  HAVE.  CHRISTMAS!!  WOO-HOOOO!!"  And off he ran with his hammer, undoubtedly to continue to save the world.  And Christmas.

The End.