Monday, September 26, 2011

Conversations with Kids

At the park with Colton...
Colton:  I can't eat these berries.  But not because they're poisonous like the ones at home.
Me:  Then why?
Colton:  Because they're girlsonous.
Me:  They're what?
Colton:  They're girlsonous.  Like, the ones at home are boysonous, so these ones are girlsonous.

After getting off the bus one day (and this will earn me the Humanitarian and Parent of the Year Award, I am sure of it)...
Colton:  Look!  We drove on the short bus today!
Me:  Cool!  Was it fun!
Colton:  Yah.  But why do I have a short bus now?
Me:  Probably because your shoes are on the wrong feet.

Every hour or so...
Casey:  Mom!  Guess what.
Me:  What?
Casey:  Chicken butt.  (giggles and squeals)
Casey:  Mom!  Guess how.
Me:  How?
Casey:  Brown-chicken-brown-coowww!

After waking up sad from his nap...
Casey:  I wanna get up.
Me:  Okay.  But don't be sad!  Aren't you happy?
Casey:  Oh yah yah!  I'm so happyyyy.  (snuggles into me.)  I'm so... proud of yoooouuu.

While writing this blog entry...
Mackenzie:  Hewo?  I haz nobody holding me?
Me:  Just a minute, beebie!  Aaaalllmost done...
(two minutes later)
Mackenzie:  Hewo?  Boobies?  You out there?
Me:  Okay beebie, okay!  I'm comin'... just one second...

1 comment:

  1. Made me laugh. I need to do a better job of writing down some of the things that come out of my son's mouth. Thanks for sharing.
