Sunday, December 18, 2011

Where's mah blanket??

I lost Mackenzie's baby blanket at the Tacoma Macy's yesterday.  The one I crocheted for her that took me hours and hours to complete and I brought her home from the birth center in.  NOTHING PERSONAL OR ANYTHING!!  I retraced my steps and looked everywhere and asked every cashier and employee I saw and called lost and found and called them again this morning and nothing.  I really hope it turns up.  I was going to keep that blanket until the end of time.

Mackenzie, 8 hours old

...and 2 months old

...and five months old.

To put things in perspective, I had one of those long, terrible, inescapable dreams last night that it was Mackenzie who was missing and not her blanket.  But I can't help it, I'm still sad!  It's just the ONE really personal thing that I loved having for her.  She's my last baby, damnit!  That was her blanket!  I have to go now.  I'm going to go to the Tacoma mall and kick everyone I see!!

UPDATE:  Everybody be cool!  Resume regular activity!  Shawn found it.  I think he was a little desperate because his wife suddenly turned into a freaking lunatic over a blanket.  He checked every register at Macy's while he was out Christmas shopping today.  Yay!  And wow.  I love that blanket a little too much, I think.

Um... Merry Christmas!!  hehe

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