Thursday, May 15, 2014

Scrappy Goes to the ER

I took Scraps to Urgent Care for a lip laceration a couple weeks ago (because, once again, she was jumping on the couch... and fell off this time), but because of her age and the location of the (gaping) wound, they sent us to the ER so she could be sedated while they sutured it. Memere was there, and I think it really helped to see a familiar face and get spoiled with stickers and a stuffed bear. Mack was a rock star, even without food or water for most of the day. She didn't really get upset until the second attempt at the IV. She struggled not to cry (which made me WANT to cry), but then lost it. After that, the swarming of doctors, nurses, bright lights and equipment was overwhelming for her and she couldn't calm down. And I almost lost it when I saw her go from a shrieking, terrified 2-year-old to a limp, heavily sedated, staring blank slate. I just sat at her feet, took a moment to reign in the threatening tears and tight throat, and held on to her lower leg (the only part of her I could reach) while they worked on her. It was over quickly and she slowly came to... and the first things she said were, "I wanna leeeeeeaaave" and "I can't taaaaaallllk!".

Welcome to the Suture Club, Mackie Lou. Your brothers are already members. Now please stop trying to give me a heart attack, all of you.

Love, Your Graying Mother

P.S.-- I love all the staff at the Silverdale Harrison ER. Every single one of them, doctors included, were absolutely wonderful with Mackenzie. And with me, actually. When I was at my worst point- when Mack was first sedated and just before they started suturing her- one of the docs asked me, "Are YOU okay?" I nodded, of course, and attempted a smile with it, although I'm not sure what kind of creepy face arose with that attempt. I was just thankful to be in a room full of people who seemed to understand that, even though this might be ordinary for them, it definitely wasn't for us.

Watching some local news while waiting

New toys from Memere and the ER staff

Attempting to climb the bed, because SHE JUST DOESN'T LEARN!



Swollen mouth the next morning