Friday, December 21, 2012

When Picking Battles, Camouflage vs. Plaid Does Not Qualify

Colton's school made a fun week for the kids since it was the last week before holiday break.  Wednesday was winter hat day, Thursday was pajama day, and Friday (today) was fancy dress day.  I let Colton choose the hat and pajamas he wanted to wear, but I had a 'formal wear' outfit laid out for him this morning.  Only.... when he came out of his bedroom, he looked like this:

... which is not exactly (or even remotely close to) the outfit I picked out. He was dead set on wearing it, though, and thought he looked AWESOME. I'd have to be a huge jackass to argue with that.

And, well, the fact is... he kinda does pull it off! He's like a hot mess of awesomeness.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weird S#!t That Casey Says: Volume 24, Chapter 9.

Tonight, I was cutting up bits of chicken for Mackenzie's dinner tray when she wandered in to see what I was doing.  I wasn't particularly worried about her proximity, as she's only about 2 feet off the ground and I'm, like....a grown-up.  But Casey came running into the kitchen, blocked her path with his workbench hammer, and said, "MOM!  You have to be careful!  You're going to cut her head off!  And then she won't have any head, and there will be no CHRISTMAS!!  But.... if you're berrrrry berry careful, and you don't cut her, then.... WE CAN STILL.  HAVE.  CHRISTMAS!!  WOO-HOOOO!!"  And off he ran with his hammer, undoubtedly to continue to save the world.  And Christmas.

The End.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation"

This is so geeky of me, but I can't believe 'stick-to-itiveness' is an actual word in the dictionary.  Were 'tenacity' and 'perserverence' just not enough for people?  That's right up there with making 'hella' a synonym for 'extremely' or 'surpassingly'.  It just.... mmph. 

Also, I was on the phone with my mom tonight while she was in Toys R' Us, trying to figure out what to get the kids for Christmas.  I told Colton what she was doing when I said goodnight to him, and his response was, "Umm, obvious!"  I asked him what he meant, and he said, "Hot Wheels!" in his most 'obvious' tone, with the most 'obvious' look on his face.  I mean, he's a good-natured kid and he didn't say it with attitude or anything, but... how do they go from being little kids to being people so quickly??

Friday, November 2, 2012

Three Things!

Firstly, I introduce Luke-a-saurus Part III, made for Luke's 2nd birthday.  I don't want to sound overly confident, but I like this one!  Makes me feel better about Luke-a-saurus Part II, the first hat I ever made, which can now retire into rookie oblivion.  

Secondly, I would like to introduce Uncle Cupcake. 
Saw him on a profile pic on Facebook and showed him to the kids.  Shawn said, "Hey, guys?  I want to show you a picture of someone special.  This is your uncle that you never knew about.  His name is Uncle Cupcake, and he's coming over tonight to meet you!  Only he doesn't sleep well on the couch, so he'll want to sleep in your firetruck bed in your room."  Every time Abby barked outside that night, we would say, "Oh!  Uncle Cupcake must be here!"  Unfortunately, Shawn messes with the boys so often that they really don't scare easily.  His last-ditch effort was to make this mask at work, wait until nightfall, and sneak around to the back of the house to knock on the sliding glass door until they answered....  
I think he should have at least changed his work shirt.  They barely even flinched.

And lastly, I now have three helpers in the kitchen.  Total chaos, but they love it. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Breaking Down The Bean

Heh.  Remember when I said that thing about posting something every day for 365 days?  That was funny.  Also, it's never gonna happen!

The Bean had his Halloween party at preschool today!  He's dressing up as a rocket this year, but when it was time to pack his costume in the car and leave for school, his outlook on that turned into a big HELL NO.  Luckily, I forsaw this change and had a back-up costume in mind-- the Angry Birds hat I made for Colton last year.  He wears that around the house sometimes, so it wasn't as big a deal as putting on an unfamiliar costume that might gather unwanted attention.  (I was still surprised when he put it on without complaint and didn't even try to take it off when we got to his school.)

He was a little nervous when we got to his classroom and everyone was dressed in costume, but he sat down and started on his morning project anyway, and didn't even notice when I left the room.  Later, when I came back to pick him up, I was waiting for his turn to be called to the door to come out and meet me.  Every other kid had already left when his teachers called me over, laughing to each other. 

"We're just letting Casey finish eating his cookie."

And there he was, sitting alone at his table with his hat on, carefully nibbling on his Halloween cookie. 

To explain, Casey has never eaten in school, though they always have snack time.  Not even when it was someone's birthday and a cupcake was sitting right in front of him.  He also won't eat at Grandma's house.  Or Memere's house.  Or at birthday parties.  It's some kind of performance anxiety, I think.  I mean, I don't 'think'.  I know.  I know what it feels like to be that kid.  To rather curl up into a hole and disappear than to be noticed doing anything.  But he's trying, and he took a step forward today-- he wore a hat to school, and he ate a cookie.  It may seem small, but it made my day.  And I love his teachers for understanding the magnitude of it, for not calling attention to him as he was eating, but for quietly celebrating amongst themselves-- and with me-- and giving him a high-five on his way out.  He had a good day.


You still don't ask him to pose for your dumb camera.  Jeez, Mom.

He can't take it.

It's killing him.

It was at this moment that he realized how funny he must look.

I broke down The Bean.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

365 | Day 8... Pliny the Elder

Shawn got me a souvenir while he was out hunting!  This here IPA, from a guy he met in some remote woods who was travelling around with a truckload of beer (but we're talking about Leavenworth, and it is 'Oktober'):

I skipped 3/4 of my dinner so I could drink this without REALLY jumping off my diet.  (The decisions I make are not smart, but they are happy.  And hoppy.  And they taste good.)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

365 | Day 7... Studious is as Studious Does


After he finished his math homework and handwriting practice, he wrote this letter to Shawn, who's due to come home from the hunting trip tonight:

 (Casey started the whole Banana Poop thing.  Normally he yells from the bathroom, "I'm all done going poop, Moooom!" to signal that it's time for my help.... until the day he decided to substitute that line with, "BANANA POOOOP!"  It's been prevalent in the house ever since.  Ever heard the song, "Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring... banana phone"?  Those are no longer the lyrics.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

365 | Day 6... Scrappy Goes Climbing

I've got a live one on my hands!  It's Colton, Part 2.  Once again, I'm going to have to ultra-babyproof, including putting the chairs on top the kitchen table-- unless I want to find a mini-toddler up there instead.

I'll relax more when she learns how to get back down from higher surfaces, but this newfound independence is making her in a much better mood AND I APPRECIATE THE HELL OUT OF THAT.



Baaaaad ol' baby.

Monday, October 15, 2012

365 | Day 5... in which I failed to take any good pictures. Already. On day five.

But loooooookiiiit!  We played glow stick hide-n-seek in the dark!

While we're on the subject, last week Colton called it "hide and goat sneak".  I wonder what kind of visuals came along with that.  Maybe none.  When I was preschool age, about 1983-84, there was this song on the radio with the lyrics "Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you."  I used to sing along to it, but I thought the lyrics were "you take a piece of meat with you."  Didn't occur to me why that might be weird until my mom heard me and pointed it out. 

Aaaaahhhh.... 80's Mom Songs.  I believe I'm suddenly in the mood for some Hall & Oates...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

365 | Day 4... Rainy Day Post-it Frenzy

Colton spent Casey and Mackenzie's naptime with a pile of Post-its and a marker.  I spent it with my Kindle, lazily wondering what he was up to, but too absorbed to check it out.  (It's Sunday.  I get like that.)

He got a lot done.
I forgot to ask him about the second line of this one.  It'll probably seem obvious once he tells me, but I can't figure it out.  ('read it and you'll see', maybe?)

"Countdown to Trick-or-Treat." (For some reason, the spelling is impeccable on that one.)  "Cisin."  (with a very helpful map to said kitchen), and  "Lit swis is for..." (the light switch for the above wall sconce, not pictured.)

Wood Stove

The front door, leading to "aotsid."  But it's only outside "sumtims"...?


"dont cumin."  That's where Mama keeps her wine glasses.  However, he said the next note means 'decorations house', and that it's for 'anyone'.  I find this contradictory.

Dining Room


iPad.  Don't touch.  Unless you want to stick a Post-It to it.  Then go for it.



The door to Colton and Casey's room.  He chose Halloween decor for their label.

The linen 'kulosit'

Mom and Dad's Room

Kitchen, that way!  But again... only somtims? 

That Boy is so cool.